Pennsylvania’s Anti-Discrimination Laws in Real Estate Transactions

In Pennsylvania, the principles of fairness and equality are deeply embedded in the legal framework governing real estate transactions. These laws aim to protect individuals from discrimination based on various protected characteristics, ensuring that all Pennsylvanians have equal opportunities when buying, selling, renting, or leasing property.

Understanding Anti-Discrimination Laws

Central to Pennsylvania’s approach are the anti-discrimination laws that prohibit unfair treatment in real estate transactions. These laws are designed to safeguard individuals from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, disability, or age. They encompass a broad spectrum of activities within the real estate sector, including renting, selling, financing, and advertising properties.

Fair Housing Act

At the federal level, the Fair Housing Act (FHA) plays a crucial role in combating discriminatory practices in housing across the United States, including Pennsylvania. The FHA prohibits discrimination in housing transactions based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or disability. This law serves as a foundation upon which Pennsylvania’s own anti-discrimination laws are built, providing a comprehensive framework for ensuring equal access to housing opportunities for all residents.

Pennsylvania Human Relations Act

In addition to federal protections, Pennsylvania has its own set of laws under the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA). The PHRA prohibits discrimination in various areas, including housing, based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, disability, use of guide or support animals due to blindness, deafness, or physical handicap, and the disability, age (40 and over), familial status, and sex.

Professionalism is the Word

I highly Recommend Gibson & Perkins.  I have used their services for approximately 6 years now and been through a few cases together with very positive outcomes.  Personally, I have used Paul Fellman and Walter Timby on those occasions.  Both, as a team & separately these Attorneys were wonderful to work with and easily accessible to reach if I had any questions.  Professionalism is the word that comes to mind to describe the firm, as a whole.  Always completely prepared for any surprises that may pop up during a trial.  They were well versed on all pertinent info pertaining to each case.  As I client, I always felt I was an integral part of the team, not an after-thought, that had to be brought up to speed a half hour before the trial started.  I could not recommend this firm and Mr. Fellman and Mr. Timby any higher.
Maria Twining

Very Satisfied

I hired Paul Fellman after speeking to several different lawyers from different law firms because he was the most sincere. Paul did an excellent job on my landlord tenant issue I had on my rental property. He was there for me from the beginning to the end of the whole ordeal. I was very satisfied and I highly recommend him and his firm.

Alan Cheung

Protected Characteristics

Under the PHRA, individuals are protected from discrimination based on several key characteristics. Race discrimination involves treating individuals unfavorably because of their race or characteristics associated with a particular race. Color discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfairly because of their skin color, complexion, or shade. Religion discrimination involves treating individuals unfavorably because of their religious beliefs or practices, and national origin discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfavorably because of their birthplace, ancestry, or cultural characteristics associated with a particular country.

Sex Discrimination

Sex discrimination involves treating individuals unfavorably because of their sex or gender identity, and disability discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfavorably because of their physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Age discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfavorably because of their age and familial status discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfavorably because of their children’s age or familial status.

Enforcement and Remedies

Enforcement of Pennsylvania’s anti-discrimination laws in real estate transactions is overseen by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). This agency investigates complaints of discrimination and works to resolve disputes through mediation or administrative hearings. If discrimination is found, the PHRC has the authority to order remedies such as compensation for damages, injunctive relief to stop discriminatory practices, and training for individuals or organizations involved in the real estate industry.

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Challenges and Legal Considerations

Navigating anti-discrimination laws in real estate transactions can be complex due to the nuanced nature of discrimination and the diverse circumstances that can arise. Challenges may include identifying discriminatory practices, gathering evidence to support a claim, and understanding the legal standards that apply. It is essential for individuals involved in real estate transactions, whether as buyers, sellers, landlords, or tenants, to be aware of their rights and responsibilities under the law.

Impact on Real Estate Professionals

Real estate professionals, including agents, brokers, property managers, and lenders, play a critical role in ensuring compliance with anti-discrimination laws. They must be knowledgeable about fair housing practices, avoid discriminatory behaviors, and provide equal opportunities to all clients and customers. Training and education are essential tools for real estate professionals to understand their obligations and uphold ethical standards in their business practices.

Educational Outreach and Community Engagement

To promote awareness and compliance with anti-discrimination laws, educational outreach and community engagement initiatives are essential. Law firms like Gibson & Perkins, PC can play a vital role in educating the public about fair housing rights and responsibilities through workshops, seminars, and informational materials. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect in real estate transactions, communities can work towards eliminating discriminatory practices and promoting equal access to housing.

Legal Assistance and Representation

For individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination in a real estate transaction, seeking legal assistance is crucial. Experienced attorneys at Gibson & Perkins, PC can provide guidance, advocacy, and representation throughout the process of filing a complaint with the PHRC or pursuing legal action in court. They can offer personalized advice based on the specific circumstances of each case and work to protect their clients’ rights under the law.

Pennsylvania’s anti-discrimination laws in real estate transactions are essential protections that uphold the principles of fairness and equality. By prohibiting discrimination based on protected characteristics such as race, religion, disability, and familial status, these laws ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities in housing. It is incumbent upon all stakeholders in the real estate industry, including buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, and professionals, to understand and comply with these laws to promote inclusive communities and prevent discrimination.

If you believe you have experienced discrimination in a real estate transaction or need guidance on fair housing practices, contact Gibson & Perkins, PC today. Our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to protecting your rights and ensuring justice under Pennsylvania’s anti-discrimination laws. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to housing opportunities free from discrimination.

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